Course curriculum
How to use this course
Module 1: History Taking & Documentation
Quiz: History Taking & Documentation
Module 2: Visual Assessment
Quiz: Visual Assessment
Module 3: Visual Fields
Quiz: Visual Fields
Module 4: Pupil Assessment
Quiz: Pupil Assessment
Module 5: Tonometry
Quiz: Tonometry
Module 6: Keratometry
Quiz: Keratometry
Module 7: Ocular Motility
Quiz: Ocular Motility
Module 8: Lensometry
Quiz: Lensometry
Module 9: Retinoscopy & Refinement
Quiz: Refraction, Retinoscopy and Refinement
Module 10: Biometry
Quiz: Biometry
Quiz: Supplemental Testing
Module 12: Microbiology
Quiz: Microbiology
Module 13: Pharmacology
Quiz: Pharmacology
Module 14: Surgical Assisting
Quiz: Surgical Assisting
Module 15: Ophthalmic Patient Services and Education
Quiz: Ophthalmic Patient Services and Education
Module 16: General Medical Knowledge
Quiz: General Medical Knowledge
Module 17: Optics and Spectacles
Quiz: Optics and Spectacles
Module 18: Contact Lenses
Quiz: Contact Lenses
Module 19: Ophthalmic Imagining
Quiz: Ophthalmic Imaging
Module 20: Photography and Videography
Quiz: Photography and Videography
Module 21: Equipment Maintenance and Repair
Quiz: Equipment Maintenance and Repair
Module 22: Medical Ethics, Legal and Regulatory Issues
Quiz: Medical Ethics, Legal and Regulatory Issues
Module 23: Testing Info and Tutoring
HANDOUT: COMT Test Taking Tips
HANDOUT FOR SKILLS TEST: Fluorescein Angiography
HANDOUT FOR SKILLS TEST: FA Phases Mixed Up with Text Boxes to Drag and Drop Phase Photos and Labels
HANDOUT FOR SKILLS TEST: Functions of the Extraocular Muscles
HANDOUT FOR SKILLS TEST: EOM Terminology, Techniques for Assessing EOMs
HANDOUT FOR SKILLS TEST: Recognizing Common Ophthalmic Photography Artifacts
HANDOUT: Progressive Lens ADDs and Markings
HANDOUT: Triage of Eye Emergencies
HANDOUT: Duane & Donder's Amplitude of Accommodation Table
HANDOUT: Slit Lamp Biomicroscopy
HANDOUT: COMT Formulas to Know
HANDOUT: Ophthalmology Abbreviations and Terms
HANDOUT: Aseptic Technique and the Surgical Scrub
HANDOUT: How to Clean Phoropter Lenses
HANDOUT: Extraocular Motility and Prism
HANDOUT: How to Disinfect a Goldmann Tonometer Prism
HANDOUT: Optics and the Behavior of Light
HANDOUT: Pharmacology
HANDOUT: Slit Lamp Biomicroscopy
HANDOUT: Contact Lens Fitting
HANDOUT: Tonometry Methods
HANDOUT: Fluorescein Angiography
HANDOUT: How to Clean Phoropter Lenses
HANDOUT: Pharmacology
HANDOUT: Keratometry
Module 11: Supplemental Skills

About this course
- $275.00
- 22 Lessons & Quizzes
- 23 Downloadable Handouts
- 9 months' access